North Bothell Bylaws, Policies & Procedures
Update October 2024
1) Introduction
2) Violence and Inappropriate Behavior
3) Boundary Description
4) Little League Career
5) Levels of Participation
6) Selection of Players
7) Selection of Team Managers & Coaches
8) League Disciplinary Policy
9) Rainy Day Policy
10) League Championships
11) Inter-League Rules
12) All Stars
Please take a moment to view the NBLL Code of Conduct and our Sports Parent Code of Conduct
It is the intent of North Bothell Little League (NBLL) to accommodate any youngster who wants to play Little League Baseball or Softball, who lives, or is enrolled in school, within the registered boundaries, and meets the age requirements.
No youngster will be turned away, except for:
1) Severe disciplinary reasons.
2) Because of roster limitations, or
3) Because of restrictions placed on NBLL by organizations with which NBLL is obligated to cooperate (i.e. Little League Baseball & Softball, Incorporated, King and Snohomish County Parks and Recreation Departments, and the Northshore School District).
For those unfamiliar with the policies of NBLL, we believe that every child should be given an opportunity to play, and participate in, all phases of the game. Development and life skills are more important than winning games. No child should be exposed to abusive language, harassment, severe or injurious discipline, emotional outbursts, or storms of anger by coaches or teammates. Bullying, in any form, will not be tolerated. In short, our primary goal is to instill in our community a love for the game, by creating a safe and fun environment for children to learn, develop and compete in baseball or softball. If we do our job right, players and families will return year after year to participate in our program.
These bylaws, rules, and procedures are intended to cover issues and situations which the NBLL Board of Directors have found necessary beyond those outlined in the Little League Baseball & Softball Rules. Anything not covered in this document, or cases of specific conflict, should be brought before the NBLL Board of Directors for resolution.
Additional information is provided in this document to establish a level of consistency and common understanding across the league. This document can also be used to enhance communication between coaches, umpires, and parents within NBLL. Anyone working with youth should remember; that by the very nature of your age and position, you are a role model for the children placed in your charge. Your actions, speech, and behavior should be exemplary. Our goal is not to win, but to compete. We compete by developing players in the highest tradition of baseball or softball while instilling in them the values of good sportsmanship, honesty, hard work, and discipline.
Violence, in any form, will not be tolerated. This policy extends to any violent acts, threats of violence, or the perception of violence before, during, or after any NBLL program, practice, game, or event. There is simply no excuse for any type of violence in youth sports. All other forms of inappropriate behavior are also unacceptable. The Board of Directors will have the final say in all issues pertaining to violent or inappropriate acts. Although not anticipated, any inappropriate behavior will be dealt with quickly and decisively. The Manager of each team is responsible for ensuring the appropriate behavior of his team, parents, and volunteers. Violent acts or inappropriate behavior by players, league personnel, and/or spectators will not be tolerated, and may result in ejection from a game, expulsion for the season, and potential permanent removal from NBLL.
Commencing at the intersection of 184th Street SE and 67th Avenue SE, south along 67th Avenue SE and through to State Highway 9, south along State Highway 9 to its intersection with 212th Street SE, east along 212th Street SE to the western end of its SE 7600 block, south to the 220th block on 76th Drive SE, east to the western end of the 7900 block, south to US Highway 522, southwesterly along highway 522 to the northern end of the SE 23200 block and the western end of the SE 4300 block, south to a point equating to the northern end of 23600 block at the western end of the SE 4200 block, south to the King/Snohomish county line, west to I-405, northerly along I-405 to the southern end of the SE 23700 block, west to 23rd Avenue SE, north along 23rd Avenue SE to the Northern end of the SE 23700 block, west to 19th Avenue SE, north along 19th Avenue SE to 228th Street SE, west to 5th Avenue SE, north along 5th Avenue SE to the southern end of its SE 22200 block, northeasterly to I-405, northwesterly along I-405 to North Danvers Road, northerly along North Danvers Road to the northern end of its SE 19600 block, east to a point equating to the eastern end of the W 300 block, east to Filbert Road, north to a point equating to the northern end of the SE 19300 block, east to 1st Drive SE, north along 1st Drive SE to Winsap Road, east northeasterly to a point equating to the northern end of the SE 19100 block at the western end of the SE 300 block, north to Poppy Road, southeasterly to 192nd Street SE at the western end of its SE 700 block, south to a point equating to the northern end of the SE 19400 block, east to 19th Avenue SE, north along 19th Avenue SE to the northern end of its SE 19300 block, east to a point equating to the western end of the SE 2200 block, north to a point equating to the northern end of the SE 18600 block, west and through to 186th Place SE at the western end of the SE 1800 block, North to 180th St SE, East along 180th St SE to the western end of its SE 5800 block, south to a point equating to the middle of the SE 18300 block, east to James Place, southwesterly along James Place to the northern end of its SE 18400 block, east through and to and along 184th Street SE to 67th Avenue SE, the point of beginning. All boundaries of North Bothell Little League are within the boundaries of Northshore School District, and follow boundary lines abutting Snohomish School District and Monroe School District.
Baseball & Softball – ‘AAA’, Major, Intermediates, Juniors, Seniors will be formed by draft every year to keep teams as balanced and competitive as possible. Trades are discouraged, but if necessary, can only be made the night of the draft, after being approved by the Division Coordinator, Player Agent, Vice President, and President.
Baseball & Softball – 'AA' will be formed by the Division Coordinator after a coaches assessment of the players in order to form teams as balanced as possible, while not guaranteed, honoring as many “Buddy Requests” as possible so long as they don’t create an unfair advantage for any one team.
Baseball and Softball A Division & Tee Ball will be formed by the Division Coordinator by “Buddy Requests”, by school, etc… as requested by parents.
The Board of Directors shall reserve the right to continue as a player, any child whose residence changes after becoming a member of NBLL as provided for in the official rules. However, the Board of Directors should take the best interests of the child into consideration.
NBLL supports divisions for both boys and girls that range from League Age 4-years to 16-years in age.
NBLL baseball & softball divisions are shown in the following table:
Division | League Age |
Seniors – Baseball/Softball | 15 - 16 |
Juniors – Softball | 13 - 14 |
Juniors - Baseball | 14 |
Intermediates - Baseball | 13 |
Majors – Baseball/Softball | 11 - 12 |
AAA – Baseball/Softball | 9 - 11 |
AA – Baseball/Softball | 8 - 10 |
A – Baseball/Softball | 6 - 8 |
Tee Ball | 4 - 6 |
Challenger | 4-99 |
The first and most important consideration is the assignment of each player to the level at which they are best suited, and to distribute talent to make teams competitive and fair. To accomplish the most correct assignment, a player assessment is held each year. The assessments are conducted under the management of the Board of Directors. Each player, who has properly registered, will be given the opportunity to participate in the assessment. It is the responsibility of the Player Agent to see to it that each team manager has adequate knowledge of players to be drafted. If not, a knowledgeable person should be appointed to assist a manager during the drafting of players.
Players will be drafted or assigned to baseball & softball teams as follows:
Team Level | Selection Method |
Seniors | Draft Plan B - Single Pool Alternate |
Juniors | Draft Plan B - Single Pool Alternate |
Intermediates | Draft Plan B - Single Pool Alternate |
Majors | Draft Plan B - Single Pool Alternate |
AAA | Draft Plan B - Single Pool Alternate |
AA | Placement by Division Coordinator after a player assessment by coaches |
A | Placement by Division Coordinator |
Tee Ball | Placement by Division Coordinator |
Challenger | Placement by Division Coordinator |
All players ages 15 to 16 may try out for a Seniors division team (60/90 field size)
All players ages 14 may try out for a Juniors division team (60/90 field size)
All players ages 13 may try out for the Intermediates division (50/70 field size)
Drafting to fill available positions on Seniors division teams will occur first, followed by Juniors division, finally the Intermediates division. Drafting will be accomplished via a serpentine process, with the first pick in the first round getting the last pick in the second round, etc….
Draft order will be determined by random draw, with manager player options being taken in a round appropriate for that player’s skill level as determined and approved by the Player Agent and the Division Coordinator.
Senior / Junior / Intermediates division teams will be redrafted every year to ensure that teams are as equally balanced and competitive as possible.
All players league ages 15 & 16yrs old may try out for the Senior division (43/60 field size)
Drafting will be accomplished via a serpentine process, with the first pick in the first round getting the last pick in the second round, etc….
Draft order will be determined by random draw, with manager player options being taken in a round appropriate for that player’s skill level as determined and approved by the Player Agent and the Division Coordinator
Senior division teams will be redrafted every year to ensure that teams are as equally balanced and competitive as possible
All players league ages 13 & 14yr olds may try out for the Juniors division (43/60 field size)
Drafting will be accomplished via a serpentine process, with the first pick in the first round getting the last pick in the second round, etc….
Draft order will be determined by random draw, with manager player options being taken in a round appropriate for that player’s skill level as determined and approved by the Player Agent and the Division Coordinator.
Juniors division teams will be redrafted every year to ensure that teams are as equally balanced and competitive as possible
All league age 11 to 12yr old children may try out for the Majors division. Players, league age 11, that are not drafted onto a Majors division team, will be eligible to be drafted onto a AAA division team.
Unless otherwise noted under the rules of Little League Baseball & Softball, Incorporated, Majors teams cannot have more than (8) league age 12yr old players on each team. It is NBLL’s intent to place the maximum number of league age 12yr old players on each Majors team while balancing the number of 12-year olds across all of the Majors teams in the division. Additional non-league age 12yr old players will be drafted to fill the remaining roster spots on each team. Typically, this includes drafting a number of league age 11-year olds and possible 10-year olds to fill the teams.
*League age 10yr old players must be approved by a special sub-committee of the NBLL Board of Directors prior to being eligible for the Majors draft. In some circumstances, league age 10yr old players will be considered for the Majors draft, It is NBLL’s intent that all league age 10-year olds play the AAA division unless circumstances warrant otherwise
All league age 9 to 11yr old children may try out for the AAA division. Players, league age 9 and 10yr olds that are not drafted onto a AAA division team, will be eligible to be drafted onto a AA division team.
*League age 8yr old players must be approved by a special sub-committee of the NBLL Board of Directors prior to being eligible for the AAA draft. In rare circumstances, league age 8yr old players will be considered for the AAA draft, however, all participants must understand that drafting a league age 8yr old player likely means displacing an otherwise deserving league age 9-year old from participating at the appropriate level for their skill and experience. It is NBLL’s intent that all league age 8-year olds play the AA division unless special circumstances warrant otherwise
Drafting to fill available roster positions on Majors division teams will occur first, followed by AAA.
Drafting will be accomplished via a serpentine process, with the first pick in the first round getting the last pick in the second round, etc...
Draft order will be determined by random draw immediately preceding the draft, with manager player options being taken in a round appropriate for that player’s skill level, as determined and approved by the Player Agent and the Division Coordinator.
Majors / AAA division teams will be redrafted every year to ensure that teams are as equally balanced and as competitive as possible.
NBLL utilizes the alternative method of Draft Plan B for all divisions. Draft Plan B includes all returning players from a division who have registered for the current season plus all new players who register for the division and become division candidates. Players from both groups are placed into a combined draft pool with the stipulation that all returning players must be drafted before the draft ends. The Player Agent is responsible for monitoring this process to ensure all returning players are taken by a team prior to the conclusion of the draft.
All league age 8 to 10yr old children are eligible to play the AA division. Players, league age 10, that are not drafted onto a AAA division team, will be placed onto a AA division team.
*League age 7yr old players must be approved by a special sub-committee of the NBLL Board of Directors prior to being placed on a AA team. In rare circumstances, league age 7yr old players will be considered for a AA team, but it is NBLL’s intent that all league age 7-year olds play the A division unless special circumstances warrant otherwise
Players in this division will attend a coaches assessment, in order to form as balanced teams as possible. The Division Coordinator, utilizing the coaches assessments, will form teams from the available pool of players honoring as many player, parent, & coach requests as possible so long as they don’t create an unfair advantage for any one team. After considering all requests, the Division Coordinator may attempt to combine teams based on school.
All league age 6 to 8yr old children are eligible to play in the A division. The Division Coordinator for the A division will form teams from the available pool of players while honoring as many player, parent, coach requests as possible. After considering all requests, the Division Coordinator will attempt to combine teams based on school.
All league age 4 to 6 children are eligible to play in the Tee Ball division. The Division Coordinator for Tee Ball will form teams from the available pool of players while honoring as many player, parent, coach requests as possible. After considering all requests, the Division Coordinator will attempt to combine teams based on school.
All league age 4 to 99 children and adults are eligible to play in the Challenger division, a division for players with intellectual and physical disabilities. The Division Coordinator for Challenger will form teams from the available pool of players placing players league ages 4-15 in the Challenger Division and 15-99 in the Senior Challenger Division.
Selection of team Managers is the responsibility of the league President. As the chief administrator of the league, the President selects and appoints all Managers, Coaches, Umpires, and Committee Members. However, all appointments are subject to the final approval of the local league’s Board of Directors. League Presidents should work hand-in-hand with fellow volunteers to ensure the best decisions are being made for the entire league.
Prior management or coaching experience is not required. Manager and Coach training is provided to NBLL participants throughout the season, with a heavy focus on training clinics prior to the start of the season. This training is open to all NBLL volunteers who wish to learn more about coaching and managing a team. Passing a background check, completing the Little League Diamond Training and Little League Abuse Awareness Training is a mandatory requirement for participation as a Manager, or Coach in little league. Attendance at all mandatory meetings is also a requirement for Manager candidates.
All appointments are made on an annual basis. Managers will be evaluated every season and only those managers who best represent the NBLL culture will be selected to continue managing in future seasons. Evaluations are based on survey results, parent feedback, on-field observations, interactions with fellow managers and Board members, etc. Prior appointment as a Manager, Coach, or Volunteer does not guarantee future appointment. Managers and Coaches should always be focused on safety first, and then on having fun and developing players. Winning games should not be a priority or a requirement for Managers and Coaches during the season. Striving to create a competitive environment, through the development of players, and the implementation of a fun and safe baseball & softball experience, should be the ultimate goal. As such, each Manager should strive to create an environment where every player and parent wants to return to NBLL in the following season.
Managers will appoint up to 2 official Coaches for their team. All appointments will be forward to the President for approval prior to the start of practices.
Only Managers and Coaches will be allowed onto the field during games. If a Manager is short of Coaches for a game, they are free to appoint another Volunteer to act as an Assistant Coach during the game but the Manager must only appoint Volunteers known to have passed a background check. All approved Volunteers are allowed to participate in practices and in pre-game warmups.
NBLL does not and shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion or creed, gender, gender expression, age, national origin, disability, marital status, sexual orientation, or military status, in any of its activities or operations.
Culture & Accountability
The Board recognizes the tremendous amount of work and time commitment that goes into being a regular season baseball or softball Manager. Managers are the face of the organization and represent NBLL to the outside world. The success NBLL has enjoyed over the years has been the result of the dedication and excellence shown by our volunteer Managers. The Board is committed to creating a Little League experience that is second to none in terms of safety, fun, and player development. To that end, NBLL has established a culture of accountability and a code of conduct for all volunteers. The culture starts with safety. We background check all volunteers and all volunteers have successfully completed Little League Abuse Awareness Training in accordance with standards set by Little League International. All Coaches and Managers have successfully completed the Little League Diamond Leader Training, also in accordance with Little League International. NBLL provides training and self-improvement opportunities to our Managers, Coaches, and Umpires. Finally, we have an accountability process that allows the Board to take action regarding those volunteers who are not following the culture or acting in the best interest of Little League.
No one likes to talk about accountability. Everyone assumes the disciplinary process is reserved for those truly egregious acts like physical altercations, child abuse, neglect, or other obvious issues where everyone would agree that someone needs to be held accountable. While the process does cover these types of acts, the process is also intended to cover a wide range of subtler issues, from rule violations, player safety, to the general perception of our league amongst our peers.
Disciplinary Process
There are no hard and fast rules to determine the level of severity of all the different actions that can be taken during the season so this section is intended to provide a general guideline and to spell out the Manager’s remedies should they disagree with an action taken by the President or another Board Officer during the season. General Board Members will not be involved in specific on-field disciplinary actions but will be involved in committee hearings or appeal hearings should the need arise.
Minor issues that include things like cultural violations and minor violations of the division playing rules, whether intended or not, are subject to the following:
Informal discussion with the President followed up by an email report of the incident shared with the Managers of the appropriate division.
Subsequent or more serious issues will be addressed in a written warning issued by the President or another Board Officer documenting the issue. A permanent record will be retained by the Board and an e-mailed summary will be sent to all NBLL Managers.
Continued violations will result in a formal Board hearing with a formal Board rebuke and potential removal as Manager.
Several minor issues will not necessarily constitute a written warning. The President will investigate and address any and all issues brought forward and will report back to the Board of Directors as to the severity and nature of the issues discussed.
If needed, the President will convene a disciplinary committee to include the Vice President of the Division, the Player Agent, and the Division Coordinator plus one at-large Board Member, to determine the disciplinary process and severity for any unusual issue or circumstance.
Suspension of attending games and/or practices may be applied while an investigation is being conducted.
Major issues that involve egregious cultural violations, intentional and/or willful disregard for the rules, intentional or negligent safety violations, physical altercations, etc… will be addressed decisively by the President, acting with the assistance of a disciplinary committee of the Board, as outlined above. Most major issues will result in the immediate suspension of any volunteers or participants involved while an investigation takes place. Major issues will be brought to the immediate attention of the Board and every effort will be made to hold an emergency Board meeting for the express purpose of addressing the issue. Volunteers may be temporarily reinstated pending the outcome of a Board investigation if an emergency meeting of the Board cannot happen in a reasonable time frame. Resolution of all Major issues will be e-mailed to all active NBLL Managers.
Manager Remedies
Every Manager has the right to petition the Board for a disciplinary hearing to address any actions taken by the President, another Board Officer, or the Disciplinary Committee. Managers have the right to stand before the Board to present their side of the argument and to present any witnesses they feel will favorably impact the Board’s decision in such a manner. The Disciplinary Committee will also present witnesses to the contrary and present evidence supporting any disciplinary action taken.
Failure to Staff Umpires for Games
Managers are responsible for finding suitable umpires to provide umpire coverage for their games. Teams will provide umpires for their own games, with the home team providing the home plate umpire and the visiting team providing the field umpire. However, it is understood that some teams may have limited options for providing umpires. Managers are responsible for communicating and coordinating their umpires. Should you find yourself in a situation where you don’t have an umpire to cover the game, communicate that to the UIC promptly and continue looking for a suitable option until the UIC lets you know the game is covered. The Manager’s responsibility is communication! Failure to communicate with the UIC, in a timely manner, will result in potential penalties. It is not necessary for a Manager to fill the spot himself/herself but it is important to communicate early and often. Should you find yourself in a situation where the assigned umpire has to back out of the commitment, again, your responsibility is communication. Failure to properly communicate the availability of an umpire to cover your game will result in the loss of practice time for your team.
Minimum Play and Pitching Violations
Minimum play violations, including disregard for the forced rotation (A Div) or position limits (AA), without the express written approval of the Player Agent or Division Coordinator, are considered rule violations. Minimum play requirements are spelled out in the supplementary rules for each division. Should a manager violate these rules, intentionally or not, it will result in disciplinary action as outlined under the Disciplinary Process noted above. Minimum play rules are largely predicated on full 6-inning games and credit will be given to the Manager’s intent or planned play rotation should the game be called prior to 6 innings. Additional penalties may be assigned by the President or Player Agent in response to a violation of the minimum play rules. These penalties will include playing specific players a certain number of innings in a subsequent game or having a player play a certain position during a subsequent game, dependent upon the violation.
Pitching violations are considered safety violations and will also result in a disciplinary action as outlined under the Disciplinary Process noted above. However, self-reported violations will result in a substantially lower level of discipline if they are discovered and corrected during the course of play. It is always in your best interest to self-correct and self-report if a mistake happens. Additional penalties may be assigned by the President or Player Agent in response to pitching violations during the season. These penalties can include extended days of rest for a pitcher, or a catcher, as well as potential forfeiture of regular season games. Pitching violations in the postseason will be addressed specific to the post season event.
Field Conditions for Northshore Athletic Fields (NAF) can be viewed via the NAF Twitter page @nafpark. In the event of possible field closures, the NAF Twitter page will be updated (a twitter account is needed to view the NAF twitter feed.)
A “Field Conditions Line” has been established for current information about field closures for the City of Bothell - Cedar Grove Park, Doug Allen and all North Creek Sports Fields. In the event of possible field closures, please call (425) 806-6102.
A “Field Conditions Line” has been established for current information about field closures for Snohomish County fields (Tambark, Forsgren Park, Logan Park, and Willis Tucker). In the event of possible field closures, please call (425) 388-6030.
A “NSD No Show” stadium/field supervisor can be contacted at 425-408-7885. For any security issues contact 24-hour Security at 425-485-9535. There is NO Rain out line for NSD
Turfed fields do not rain out, games should play as scheduled unless there is a safety concern for the players
If a game cannot be played, the managers need to contact the league scheduler immediately to reschedule the game. Home team is responsible for notifying the umpire scheduled for that game. Rainouts will be scheduled by the next scheduled practice for either team. Umpire will be notified of game time and place. Failure to adhere to this policy will result in the game recorded as a loss for both teams
The league championship for AA, AAA and Majors Divisions will be determined by a double elimination tournament upon conclusion of the regular season. Home and Away teams will be determined by a coin flip between the two managers 45 minutes prior to game time. Seeding for all divisions will be determined by random draw.
League championship games are allowed to extend past the 8:30 pm last pitch deadline as long as it is safe to do so. Under no circumstances is a manager allowed to speed up or stall to disrupt the natural flow of the game. Doing so under any circumstance will result in disciplinary action from the league President, up to and including game forfeiture.
First and second place teams in each division will receive individual trophies.
Seeding for AAA and Major Tournament of Champions (TOC) will be submitted to the TOC organizer based on the outcome of the League Championships.
The two league Presidents and Umpire-in-Chiefs will determine any and all protests.
Rainouts will be attempted to be made up. The Home team will contact the interleague scheduler to schedule the makeup game.
Home teams are responsible for the field preparation, setup, and breakdown on the day of the game.
Game times are outlined in the inter-league supplemental rules.
Additional Inter-league rules may be provided by the district for each division of play participating in Inter-league play.
The North Bothell Little League All-Star Selection Process is intended to be fair and equitable for all Players, Managers and Coaches. The selection process for All-Stars will be overseen by the President and Player Agent for the league.
Manager and Coach Selection
Managers interested in managing an All-Star team must register to be a manager through the volunteer registration process by the deadline the President puts forth
Seniors - The manager and coach(es) shall be regular season team managers and/or coaches from the Little League Baseball & Softball Seniors Division.
Juniors - The manager and coach(es) shall be regular season team managers and/or coaches from the Little League Baseball & Softball Juniors Division.
Intermediates - The manager and coach(es) shall be regular season team managers and/or coaches from the Little League Baseball & Softball Intermediates Division.
Little League – 10-11-12s: The manager and coach(es) shall be regular season team managers and/or coaches from the Little League Baseball & Softball (Major) Division.
8-9-10s Division & 9-10-11s Division: The manager and coach(es) shall be regular season team managers and/or coaches from the Little League Baseball & Softball (Major) Division or AAA League Division.
Similar to Manager selection during the regular season, the President will nominate an All-Star Manager for each level of play; Little League, 9-10-11s, and 8-9-10s based on the criteria outlined above and from the available pool of applicants who submitted their names via the volunteer registration. If no individual steps forward to submit their name, or if a sole individual becomes disqualified, for any reason, and no other applicants are available, the President will open the selection process up to all applicable managers and coaches from the appropriate divisions.
Once nominated, All-Star Managers must be approved by the league’s Board of Directors in a simple majority vote. In the event the Board rejects an All-Star Manager candidate, the President must present an alternative nomination for approval. After approval by the Board of Directors, All-Star Managers must submit their (2) official All-Star Coach selections to the President in writing for approval. The President, at their sole discretion, will approve or reject all Coach selections. All-Star Managers may appeal the President’s decision directly to the Board of Directors who have the authority to overturn the President’s decision with a simple majority vote.
Selection as an All-Star Manager or Coach does not guarantee selection in subsequent years. All-Star Managers Candidates will be evaluated on their technical merits, on their ability to develop and coach youth in the skills of baseball and softball, and on their adherence to the league’s culture and standards.
All Star Player Eligibility
Players must reside within or go to school within the North Bothell Little League Boundaries or have an approved waiver on file or have been a member of NBLL without a break in service since the league ages between 4-7yrs old or be a sibling of such player.
Players must play at least (8) eight regular season games. End of season tournament games do not count towards the required (8) eight games.
Pursuant to Little League tournament rules, the following ages are eligible for All Star selection in the following divisions:
All league-age 8, 9, and 10-year old players who, with their parents, have signed the All-Star player consent form are eligible for the 8-9-10s All-Star Team.
All league-age 9, 10, and 11-year old players who, with their parents, have signed the All-Star player consent form are eligible for the 9-10-11s Team.
All league-age 10, 11, and 12-year old players who, with their parents, have signed the All-Star player consent form are eligible for the Little League Team.
All league-age 12, 13, and 14-year old players who, with their parents, have signed the All-Star player consent form are eligible for Juniors All-Star selection.
All league-age 13, 14, 15, and 16-year old players who, with their parents, have signed the All-Star player consent form are eligible for Seniors All-Star selection.
A Player or the Player Agent may petition the Board to allow a player to play on an All-Star team above his league age level.
Baseball or softball players league-age 9-to-14 are eligible for selection to multiple tournament teams, however, may only participate on one tournament team at a time. After a tournament team is eliminated, a player may be named to a second tournament team provided they meet all eligibility criteria, there is room for the player on the affidavit, and they are not replacing an eligible player already named on the affidavit. Under no circumstances may players be chosen for, practice with, or participate with more than one tournament team at one time.
Player Selection
All-Star Player Candidates must register via the registration process to be considered for a roster spot on an All-Star team. All-Star Player Candidates must be able to make a firm time commitment through July (8-9-10s & 9-10-11s) or August (Little League) and be willing and able to bear any expenses and travel costs associated with tournament play. The candidates will need to acknowledge and accept the commitment necessary to be an All-Star player. Players and parents shall be informed of the potential for limited play time should they be accepted to the All-Star team as a utility player.
Every effort will be made to schedule an All-Star Parent Meeting prior to formation of the All-Star teams where league officials will explain the commitment and expectations for tournament play. It must be clear to all participants that play time is not equal and the objective of tournament play is winning baseball & softball games. Emphasis will still be placed on the league’s culture and managers will be expected to work within the league's value system while striving to win tournament games.
All-Star players will be selected by regular season team managers, with the process being observed by league officials, at a meeting called by the President for the express purpose of drafting All-Star teams. Observing Board Members will consist of the President, Vice President for the Division, and up to 3 at-large Board Members. At-large Board Members can include any member of the Board. Observing Board Members will be voted on and determined at a special Board Meeting for the election of All-Star Managers
All Managers are asked to familiarize themselves with players and their abilities throughout the season.
Each player candidate will be discussed by the group and then Players will be selected using the following method:
Seniors Baseball & Softball –
The first 9 All-Star Players will be selected by the process described below.
Juniors Baseball & Softball –
The first 9 All-Star Players will be selected by the process described below.
Intermediates Baseball –
The first 9 All-Star Players will be selected by the process described below.
Little League Baseball & Softball (10-11-12 Year-Olds) –
The first 9 All-Star Players will be selected by the process described below.
9-10-11 Year-Olds –
The first 9 All-Star Players will be selected by a ranking system as described below.
8-9-10 Year-Olds –
The first 9 All-Star Players will be selected by a ranking system as described below.
Player Selection Process
The league’s Player Agent will administer the process by passing out a list of all eligible players to be ranked from first (1) – best - to last (x) by each manager.
The Player Agent will collect and tally the player ranks. The top player candidates with the lowest total ranking will be eligible for election to the All-Star team first.
From there, a simple election of each individual player will take place by secret ballot with each member of the selection committee getting 1 vote. Each name will be read aloud and voted on separately. Participants will mark accept or reject on their ballot and submit it to the Player Agent to tally the results.
Any candidate that receives 2/3rds of the votes will be placed on the All-Star roster.
Any candidate that is rejected will be moved to the end of the candidate list and will remain eligible for selection by the All-Star Manager as a 10+ pick.
The final roster spots on the All-Star team will be determined by the All-Star Manager and will be announced prior to the conclusion of the selection meeting. Little league and NBLL highly encourage selection of at least 12 players for All-Stars.
All-Star Players Rosters will be announced in a timely manner following the All-Star draft.
Note: The All-Star balloting process is highly confidential. Independent observation and review of the All-Star selection process is conducted by duly elected Board members whose job is to ensure the process is followed correctly and in accordance with NBLL’s culture and values. Any individual involved in the discussions, voting, or observation process will refrain from discussing the rankings and voting result outside of the All-Star selection meeting. Any individual, who is determined to have violated these rules, by sharing voting or ranking results, or by manipulating the All-Star voting process, will immediately be stripped of any and all privilege and status in NBLL and will no longer be eligible to volunteer within NBLL unless reinstated by a unanimous vote of the Board of Directors. Discussion of the process is permissible, as long as ranking and voting results are excluded from the conversation.